
Palladium includes a number of command-line scripts, many of which you may have already encountered in the Tutorial.

pld-fit: train models

Fit a model and save to database.

Will use 'dataset_loader_train', 'model', and 'model_perister' from
the configuration file, to load a dataset to train a model with, and
persist it.

  pld-fit [options]

  -n --no-save              Don't persist the fitted model to disk.

  --no-activate             Don't activate the fitted model.

  --save-if-better-than=<k> Persist only if test score better than given

  -e --evaluate             Evaluate fitted model on train and test set and
                            print out results.

  -h --help                 Show this screen.

pld-test: test models

Test a model.

Uses 'dataset_loader_test' and 'model_persister' from the
configuration to load a test dataset to test the accuracy of a trained
model with.

  pld-test [options]

  -h --help                  Show this screen.

  --model-version=<version>  The version of the model to be tested. If
                             not specified, the newest model will be used.

pld-devserver: serve the web API

Serve the web API for development.

  pld-devserver [options]

  -h --help               Show this screen.

  --host=<host>           The host to use [default:].

  --port=<port>           The port to use [default: 5000].

  --debug=<debug>         Whether or not to use debug mode [default: 0].

pld-stream: make predictions through stdin and stdout

Start the streaming server, which listens to stdin, processes line
by line, and returns predictions.

The input should consist of a list of json objects, where each object
will result in a prediction.  Each line is processed in a batch.

Example input (must be on a single line):

  [{"sepal length": 1.0, "sepal width": 1.1, "petal length": 0.7,
    "petal width": 5}, {"sepal length": 1.0, "sepal width": 8.0,
    "petal length": 1.4, "petal width": 5}]

Example output:


An input line with the word 'exit' will quit the streaming server.

  pld-stream [options]

  -h --help                  Show this screen.

pld-grid-search: find optimal hyperparameters

Grid search parameters for the model.

Uses 'dataset_loader_train', 'model', and 'grid_search' from the
configuration to load a training dataset, and run a grid search on the
model using the grid of hyperparameters.

  pld-grid-search [options]

  -h --help                Show this screen.

See also

pld-list: list available models

List information about available models.

Uses the 'model_persister' from the configuration to display a list of
models and their metadata.

  pld-list [options]

  -h --help                  Show this screen.

pld-admin: administer available models

Activate or delete models.

Models are usually made active right after fitting (see command
pld-fit).  The 'activate' command allows you to explicitly set the
currently active model.  Use 'pld-list' to get an overview of all
available models along with their version identifiers.

Deleting a model will simply remove it from the database.

  pld-admin activate <version> [options]
  pld-admin delete <version> [options]

  -h --help                 Show this screen.

pld-version: display version number

Print the version number of Palladium.

  pld-version [options]

  -h --help                Show this screen.

pld-upgrade: upgrade database

Upgrade the database to the latest version.

  pld-ugprade [options]

  --from=<v>               Upgrade from a specific version, overriding
                           the version stored in the database.

  --to=<v>                 Upgrade to a specific version instead of the
                           latest version.

  -h --help                Show this screen.

See also